The Washington State Council FFI raised funds in Ellensburg for three efforts that aim to help fishers over-coming disability and illness to better enjoy our sport. Washington State Council Presi-dent Carl Johnson shared the benefits.
Diane Sears and Dana Chambers (above) of Casting for Recovery receive a donation to support those recovering from cancer. As more women survive breast cancer Casting for Recovery seeks to give them the en-couragement and confi-dence to tackle an outdoor
Project Healing Waters is a national effort to provide physical and emo-tional rehabilitation through fly fishing to veterans and active service mili-tary. Chuck Tye (above) has been in-strumental in offering those services in Washington. Jesse Scott and Chuck Tye (center) of Olympic Peninsula Fishing Innovations manufacture adaptive one-handed fly fishing and fly-tying products. The non-profit offers products to anyone with physi-cal challenges free of charge.
Fish On! at CWU
Mike Clancy and Aaron Cully of the Washington Council FFI in front of a class of beginning fly fishers from Central Washington University. Members of the universi-ty fly fishing club, learned the sport from casting to entomology during the Ellensburg fair.