By Trisha Campbell

Women Connect is a branch of Fly Fishers International with the goal of creating a community of women fly fishers who want to learn, share, and have opportunities to engage in fly fishing related activities.

Recently, Women Connect had a booth in FFI’s virtual Fly Fishing Expo. They held classes on a variety of subjects that were all free with entry into the Expo. The classes varied from how to cast in the wind, various fly-tying classes to jewelry making. They also had a drop-in room to ask questions, meet new people and share fun adventures.

Women Connect is restarting their Zappy Hour (Zoom happy hour) presentations to keep you involved through the winter. These are free Zoom meeting on a variety of topics. The meetings will be the third Tuesday of the month at 6pm PST. Watch for links on Facebook or request to receive email alerts to activities by signing up at their email address November’s talk was on the Women Connect trip to the Amazon. Eight women had a wonderful time fishing for Peacock Bass and other native species.

Along with their learning and social opportunities, Women Connect offers opportunities for Women’s fishing adventures. Some are an actual Women Connect trip and some are hosted trips. They have an organized Redfish trips to Texas, a trip to the Midwestern Driftless Region and to the White River in Arkansas.

Women Connect has declared June as Women in Fly Fishing month. They are planning a variety of opportunities in Washington for free casting classes at the beginning and intermediate levels, as well as a fishing outing. Look for further information in future newsletters.

If you are interested in joining Women Connect, you can email, follow on Facebook at FFI Women Connect, or the link at for more updates and information.