by Steve Jone
Several members of Washington State Council FFI were lending a hand to our friends at Oregon FFI over the weekend of March 10-11 at the NW Fly Tyer and Fly Fishing Expo in Albany.
The first post-covid Expo attracted more than 170 tiers from across the West and many helpers from the Washington State Council.
Washington State Council FFI directors Mike Clancy and Larry Gibbs (shown in photos) helped by manning the FFI membership table throughout the Expo. Director Jay Woodbury was there helping out at the Project Healing Waters booth.
There were more than two-dozen Washington members in the ranks of fly tiers at the event. Bill Reisbick, of the Overlake Fly Fishing Club, was a demonstration tier and regular helper at the kids tying table. In the photo Bill is helping Mena Beck of Eugene make her first fly.