Welcome to the Washington State Council of Fly Fishers International website. If you did not hear earlier in April 2017 the organization changed the name from International Federation of Fly Fishers to Fly Fishers International. We will be developing a new website this summer (well after our Fair in early May). If you have any suggestions as to what should be included please contact either myself or Jim Maus.

I hope you find the website easy to use and informational. As we get ready to enter 2017 and look back on 2016, I hope many of you had some wonderful fly fishing memories. For me, my wife and I spent the summer (2 1/2 months) in Alaska. We had a wonderful time seeing the sights and doing a little fishing. I also had the opportunity to visit the Alaska Fly Fishers, attending their meeting in July and Spey Clave in August. My wife and I enjoyed ourselves and hope to go back some day. I have posted a few pictures in the photos gallery if you are interested.


Right now the Council is beginning the preparation and promotion of the 2017 Washington Fly Fishing Fair, our 11th year in Ellensburg. The dates of this year’s show will be May 5th and 6th. Again, this year we will be using the Armory for our meal events, the Volunteer Dinner will be Thursday May 4th and the Awards Banquet and Auction will be Friday May 5th. I hope to see you there. Please continue to watch our web Site for more information; it will be updated as the information becomes available. Also please join us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/wacifff I hope to see you in Ellensburg at the 2017 Fair. Also, if you attend the The Washington Sportsman’s Show in Puyallup or The Fly Fishing Show in Lynnwood, please stop by the booth and say hi.


This year is my 11th as Council President, some days it seems like just yesterday that I took the job and others it seems like it has been forever. It is hard to believe what is now the Fly Fishing Fair started with a tying event in the Ellensburg Library 11 years ago. That year the main committee was Vern Jeremica and myself. There have been many folks who have worked on parts of the Fair since then and I am not going to try and name everyone but to everyone who has chaired a committee or volunteered at the Fair, the Council would


Carl Johnson